Aug 28,2017

Power Supply Basics – Part 1: Unregulated Linear and Regulated Linear

In its simplest definition, power supply is an electrical circuit that converts some form of energy into electrical energy, providing power to any electronic device. There are typically four types of power supplies[...]
Feb 16,2017

Specifying the Proper Transformer for Medical Electronic Devices

The international regulatory standards governing the specifications of electronic equipment have distinct guidelines for transformers, especially those needed for medical electronic products. Because these transformers are designed to protect caregivers, patients and the equipment used in their care, they are[...]
Construction site
Apr 20,2015

The Impact of Smart Grid Transformers

Transformers will be revolutionizing the electrical components industry once again in the coming years, according to GTM Research. They estimated the valuation of the transformer market from its current valuation of $112 million annually to $755 million by 2020.[...]
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